Green onion and mushroom omelette recipe

 Hello guys I am sure that every non-vegetarian person likes to eat omelette because omelette is fast and easy to prepare at home. There are 100+ omelette recipes on internet such as cheese omelette, Butter bread omelette, Simple omelette with green sauce etc. but today in this article I am going to tell you a simple and delicious omelette recipe known as green onion and mushroom omelette.

Green Onion and Mushroom Omelette Recipe:  The recipe to prepare green onion and mushroom omelette is very simple with the help of this recipe you can prepare restaurant styled omelette at home. The procedure to prepare green onion and mushroom omelette is very simple just you have to prepare stuffing of green onion and mushroom and create a base for omelette in couple of minutes your delicious green onion and mushroom omelette will be ready. Now without wasting time let's dive into detailed recipe of green onion and mushroom.

Before starting recipe I want to tell you that this article is sponsored by 21 DAYS SMOOTHIE WEIGHT LOSS DIET PROGRAM anyone of our reader who want transform them-self in 21 days can check smoothie diet program.


  • 6 table spoon chopped green onion
  • 2.5 tea spoon butter
  • 200 gram mushroom
  • 6 eggs
  • One table spoon water
  • 1/4 tea spoon salt
  • 1/4 tea spoon 
  • Black pepper 
  • Black pepper black pepper


  1. Finely chop the mushrooms in the processor. Melt butter in medium skillet over medium-high heat.
  2. Add mushrooms and onions; Fry for 3 minutes. Add vermouth and simmer until evaporated, about 1 and 1/2 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.
  3. Whisk eggs, 1 Tbsp water, salt and pepper in medium bowl. Melt 1 teaspoon butter in a small nonstick skillet over medium heat.
  4. Add half the egg mixture. Stir with the back of a fork until the edges start to set.
  5. Let the uncooked eggs come down until the omelet is set, lifting the edges with a spatula, about 2 minutes.
  6. Place half a teaspoon of mushroom mixture in the center of the omelet. Fold both the sides of the omelet over the filling and transfer to a plate.
  7. Repeat with remaining butter, egg mixture and mushroom mixture. Sprinkle omelet with remaining onions.
  8. After 7 step your green onion and mushroom omelette is fully ready.
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